I decided I could no longer
stand the fact my eyes were getting too old to
see the small TV in our great-room. Other

TV's in our home are large screens in smaller rooms. The TV is 17 years old and so are my eyes! Viewing the channel guide sitting 23 feet away, is no longer possible. I know I have the option of getting off the couch and putting my nose on the TV screen for viewing but, the idea of getting that much exercise seems overwhelming. So... we are installing "modern" electronics in our great-room. I use the term "modern" because I am
referring to American standards not Cambodian standards. Ha. We found new equipment but, could not find a cabinet that would house what we needed in a size of proper height and depth. Of course, that meant Rick had to start building. It's nice to be married to a talented guy! I thought some of you might enjoy following another one of Danna's hair-brained projects. Hopefully, I will have more progress pictures in a week or so.
Picture #1 Old and very small TV.
Picture #2 My creative way of determining what size and height I needed in a flat screen and cabinet.
Picture #3 The new cabinet starting to take shape