Some of Troy's fellow workers call him Eeyore. When we were at Disney World last December, we had Troy take his picture with Eeyore. We promptly emailed the photo to his office. The picture was a hit and made its way onto several computers as screen savers. June 28th was Troy's 34th birthday. I thought it would be fun to see if I could make a fondant Eeyore to use as a birthday cake topper for him. Much to my surprise, I was able to sculpt something that resembled Eeyore! Troy got a kick out of it and the kids wanted to eat it! Here's the pictures of Troy with Eeyore, the fondant Eeyore and Troy's cake.

Oh Danna, No one else in the world would take the time to do that! It is darling. Hope Troy appreciated all the work. Love, Lynette